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.Net Regular expression builder and tester:
Build and test regular expressions using .Net's powerful Regular expression engine.
Note: This is not an emulator (like some regex testers on the web). It directly calls the server's .Net Regular expression engine (Currently .Net 9.0). What you see is what you get.
The page supports testing Matches, Split and Replace.
The results are shown in easy to understand tables showing all matches, all groups and captures.
Enter regular expression in code string format (like you would in code).
Supports setting all .Net Regex options.
Syntax errors will be reported as you type. When errors have been fixed a Regex construtor will be shown, ready to copy/paste.
The syntax you use depends on the string format, you have chosen (the tabs).
You can choose between literal verbatim string format and normal literal string format. Switching between them will convert the regular expression to that format.
Regex string format:
Literal verbatim string (@"")
: Here you don't need to double escape control characters, example '\n' matches a newline.
Doublequotes must be doubled, example ''""'' matches one doublequote.
Literal code string ("")
: Here you need to double escape all control characters, example '\\n' matches a newline.
Doublequotes must be escaped, example '\"' matches one doublequote.
Raw string (for editor search)
: Here you use the raw regex string - without any escapes.
This is suitable for direct input in your editors search box.
The 'Regex constructor' will show the Regex constructor based on your Regex and options, ready to copy and paste into your code.
Switching to the other string type (by clicking the tabs) will also change the constructor to that format.
When you have tested your RegExp, you can save it and share the link.
Javascript Regular expression builder and tester:
Build and test regular expressions using your browser's Javascript Regular expression engine.
Note: This is not an emulator (like some regex testers on the web). It directly calls your browser's ' Javascript Regular expression engine. What you see is what you get.
The page supports testing String match, String matchAll, RegExp exec,
String split, String replace and String replaceAll.
The results are shown in easy to understand tables showing all matches and all groups.
Enter regular expression in code format (like you would in code).
Supports setting all javascript RegExp options.
Syntax errors will be reported as you type. When errors have been fixed a RegExp construtor will be shown, ready to copy/paste.
The syntax you use depends on the constructor format, you have chosen (the tabs).
You can choose between literal verbatim RegExp constructor and string constructors, using either doublequotes or singlequotes. Switching between them will convert the regular expression to that format.
RegExp constructor format:
Literal verbatim constructor (@/ /)
: Here you don't need to double escape control characters, example '\n' matches a newline.
Slashes (/) must be escaped, example '\/' matches one slash.
Literal double quoted string (" ")
: Here you need to double escape all control characters, example '\\n' matches a newline.
Doublequotes must be escaped, example '\\"' matches one doublequote.
Literal single quoted string (' ')
: Here you need to double escape all control characters, example '\\n' matches a newline.
Singlequotes must be escaped, example '\\"' matches one doublequote.
Raw string (for editor search)
: Here you use the raw regex string - without any escapes.
This is suitable for direct input in your editors search box.
The 'RegExp constructor' will show the RegExp constructor based on your RegExp and options, ready to copy and paste into your code.
Switching to the other constructor types (by clicking the tabs) will also change the constructor to that format.
Which method to use in your code:
String match
is the universal way, if you only want one match (without the 'global' flag). That will give you access to groups.
With global flag set, it only returns matches, no information about groups.
String matchAll
is the newer way to multi-match. It must have the global flag set. Then it returns all matches, including info on all groups.
RegExp exec
is the old original method in javascript. It is hard to use, if you don't know the syntax.
String split
is used to split the tekst on every match into an array.
String replace
will only replace the first match, when global flag is not set. With global flag set, it replaces all matches.
String replaceAll
must have the global flag set and it replaces all matches (like 'String replace' will global flag set).
When you have tested your RegExp, you can save it and share the link.
Online html, javascript and css prettyrizer.
, unminimize
, unobfuscate
, format your code
Adds line breaks and indentation to make the code easy to understand and edit.
Use a public link, upload your file or paste some text to prettyrize.
Supports .htm, .html, .js, .json, .css, .xml and any text file.
Preview online in color coded form and download the result.
Does not change the meaning of the code.
Formatting options
: This will add additional spacing (and braces) in javascript and css. The output should be easier to understand with matching braces and space between words.
: This will prettyrize the text using a balanced form of expansion. You can then use Visual Studio (or what editor you use) to finetune the formatting.
One line
: This will return a html page where javascript and css are kept on one line. Use it when you're primarily interested in the html.
: This simply returns the unformatted text - use it to compare.